We are so happy that you decided to join us in celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the opening of the Erie Canal. We invite you to experience what it was like to live in the Village of Black Rock at that time and what a bustling thriving little village it was. You will learn where new people came to open businesses and residents knew and supported each other. We did a lot of research to be sure the names and the business types were true to Black Rock. The village market served the nearby community while the canal provided the shoppers, and a continuous stream of goods. In the season when the canal was open sometimes 24 hours a day.
Prior to Black Rock’s annexation into the City of Buffalo in 1853, there was much pride in the last stop before the western terminus in Buffalo. A bit later we merged with the Village of Buffalo to form the City of Buffalo.
But right now, let’s celebrate the Village of Black Rock, the Black Rock Stop along the Erie Canal.
Click on each building to learn more

Bridge Tender
Well as you know the Erie Canal has a lot of bridges. So many of them connect the Village to the canal and the Niagara River beyond. Remember to keep you head down when you go under the bridge, you know the song. Low Bridge Everybody Down. Low Bridge cause we’re coming to the town. In this case it’s the Village of Black Rock.
Lock Tender
Someone needs to make sure the water level in the lock is correct. Otherwise, you will not be able to have your boat raised to the appropriate level. Get the canal boat into the lock. Close the 2 doors and fill it up with water. Open the door and let the boats out then do it all over again.
Stables and Blacksmiths
You are so lucky that you stopped at our Wednesday livestock market. We have a new stock of mules and donkeys that are old enough to be put to work pulling the canal boats.
They are very smart, but we would recommend putting the new one along with one of the donkeys that have worked the boats and walked the tow path for a while. This will help the new donkey learn quickly.
Do you need to board your current mules or are you looking to sell them?
Oh, I need to introduce you to Peter Korn our new blacksmith, and he has a way with metal that is for sure.
Michael Becker has just moved here from Germany and is a fine harness maker. Let us know if we can help in any way.
Harvey Newcomb Grocery
Good afternoon and welcome.
So happy you stopped at our store here in Black Rock. Yes, we just received some Black Rock pork and a new wheel of cheese. Are you all ready for your long trip to New York? Oh yes, I guarantee the cheese will last.
I would store it in a barrel if you had one and keep it dry.
How many pounds do you need?
The price today is $.40 per pound, and I will be happy to cut what you need.
Oh, would you like some flour as well. Yes, for sure it will last, but be sure to keep it dry. We just received it from the mill in town yesterday. Yes, you can keep the sack if you like.
Oh yes, this store is very busy. We have people working here all times of the day and night. You never know when someone may need something on one of the canal boats. It is such an easy stop to get off while the boat is going through the Black Rock Lock. You can run over and be back on the boat with no delays.
Enjoy and have a safe trip to New York.
Pratt Allen & Company Boat Sales & Repairs
Hello Eon, it is good to see you again. I understand you had some trouble at the Lockport Locks, seems someone hit the front of your boat, and it needs repairs. Must have been part of that bad storm we had the other day. Well, we are very glad you made it home. Let’s see what needs to be done.
Oh, not too bad, it looks like a few boards in the front and a little paint should do it.
You will need 3 boards
12 nails
A little tar
What color paint would you like
Red, Green or Blue.
That will cost you $3.00
We will need just a small deposit to get started. Give Sam the money and we will get everything ready for you.
That means you will owe us the rest. When you come back to pick your boat up.
Oh, did you see our new canal boat is ready for sale. Are you interested? Not yet, ok then see you soon.
Say hello to the dock men in Buffalo for us!
George Pooley & Sons Ropemaker
Well, 1865 has certainly been a busy year for us. We are thinking of expanding our operations and bringing on a few more people. It will take a bit to train someone because rope making isn’t as easy as it seems. I have been making ropes for many years. I learned to do this when I worked in the sailing ships in Connecticut. My family moved to Black Rock because of the work along the Erie Canal.
There are ropes for boats, ropes for horses, ropes for mules. Everyday ropes for use around the house and some to tie packages.
How can we help you? Oh, you are looking for ropes to pull up your buckets of nails to the second floor. You must be building houses here in Black Rock. That is really becoming a very busy business as well.
It’s very nice to meet you. Hope to see you again soon.
Job Gorton Lumber Sales
Good afternoon how may I help you? My name is Job Gorton, and I own the lumber business here in Black Rock.
Are you looking for some pine boards or some beautiful white oak which we just received from the Grand Island Forest. The white oak is of particularly good quality for making furniture. I suspect that will be too far for you to carry any boards on your journey.
Oh, I am sorry, I did not realize you were moving to Black Rock permanently. Well in that case let me recommend the pine boards for building and the white oak for furniture.
We have a wagon with some fine horses that could help deliver the wood when you are ready.
Please come back anytime and let us know what you will be needing. It is a pleasure taking care of someone who is helping to build the Village of Black Rock into a bustling community.
Elijah Williams Clothier
Welcome, welcome, come in my name is Elijah Williams and we are so happy to serve you.
What is it you might be looking for? Is it a man’s coat or a new set of trousers? A new suit for a wedding perhaps?
No, you are looking for some women’s dresses. Well, let me get Clementine to assist you. She is quite the dressmaker and has just recently arrived from Scotland.
Oh, you aren’t looking for a dress, but you want some fabric died a particular color. Well, we have an expert in textiles here so I am sure we can make whatever color you think you would like.
Hopefully, you can give us a few days before you head west. It really will take a little time to do the job correctly.
May I interest you is some yards of fabric for a wedding dress it will be easier for you to transport it if it is not together.
Please let us know and we will be happy to help.
There are also knitting needles and sewing needles perfect for socks as well as yarn and thread.
The price is right on the tag so feel free to fill up your basket and I will check you out when you are done.
Jacob Merkle Barrel Shop
Hello, my name is Ernest, how may I help you? No, I am sorry Mr. Merkle is not available right now he is out delivering barrels to the flour mill.
We have 10 coopers who work here at the shop so I am sure we can help you find something you need. Yes, John and Bartholomew Denner just joined us last week.
So, you need some barrels made to store some barley to send to Utica along the canal.
We currently make 3 sizes large medium and small so if you let me know how many of each you think you will need, I will place the order and get working on them right away.
If you would like to pick them up next Wednesday, we should have them ready. Oh, you need to have them Tuesday so you can send them on the canal boat by Thursday. I think we can make that happen.
Of course, we trust you, but we will need a small deposit to get that work started. See you Tuesday.
Justin and Sons Wagon Maker
Hello, my name is Rueben Justin, and I work here at the wagon works with my son Asahel. We are making iron rims, carriage wheels, steam engines, iron roofing, and heavy platform spring and grain wagons. We are happy to help you because we have a lot of experience with building wagons that can hold all those barrels coming off and on those canal boats
Yes, you are correct, we have grown quite a bit. We now employ 10 workers and have started making other vehicles as well. You may have heard about the new ambulance we just delivered to the Buffalo City Hospital.
How can we help you? I know you have a farm in the area, and I am sure you need a new wagon for your apple orchard. Let us know. We will get you right on the list.

Frank X. Argus Hardware & Stoves
Good afternoon and welcome to our brand-new three-story store. Isn’t it a beautiful building and so special with a front facing Niagara Street and another facing the Erie Canal. We have been quite busy since we opened, yes that is for sure.
What can I help you with today, we have hardware, cutlery and stoves?
If you are looking for stoves, we have stoves made right here in Black Rock at the Cooperative Stove Works. There are four different models: Amherst, Frontier, Bristol, Ledger, feel free to go upstairs and look we have all the models on display.
Nails of course buy them by the pound. If you buy them here in Black Rock, you can save a lot of money. We know you will need the nails when you get to your destination and start to build your home. Get them now and get a head start on everyone when you get to Ohio.
As for buckets, of course you need them. Buckets, for sure we have plenty. Buy more than one and we will make you a deal. We can put the nails right into the bucket for you.
How many pounds s of nails would you like? How many buckets?
Happy to serve you.
Black Rock Market
Welcome to the Black Rock Market. We are very busy today because it is the peak of summer. Make yourself at home and be sure to visit our vendors. We have a basket maker, a tool seller and several other vendors selling honey and other items.
Yes, all our vegetable sellers are here most of them from our local farms. We have carrots, lettuce and potatoes. What can we interest you in. Fresh lettuce and rutabagas! Whatever you might be interested in.
Oh and of course we have fresh milk and cheese available as well.
Please check out Crawley, Eckert and Laible farm stands. They are all local and produce fine products.
CM Harvey Drugs and Medicines
Oh, my I am so sorry you are not feeling well. If you can tell me some of your symptoms, I am sure I have a pill or a tincture to help you.
If that doesn’t work, I may have a plaster that would work well. If you place it on your chest it will help to break up the congestion.
Yes, it seems we are getting a lot of disease coming down the canal in the last week. We may need to start restricting who can come into town of the canal boats.
Yes, I do have some castor oil if you would like some. It will help with your skin condition.
Well, I hope this helps and you won’t be delayed on your trip west.
Charles Burkhardt
Confectionary & Candies
Hello and welcome to our shop. It has taken us awhile to finish the work on the front of the store. We arrived from Germany in March, and it has been quite cold. We are so glad to have the canal open for the summer and see so many people stopping by.
My father in law Simon has been hard at work making some new candies. All the recipes of course came with us when we arrived.
May I interest you in some Lemon Drops they are quite popular. I wonder if you would like to try our strawberry treats. We picked the strawberries ourselves. We cannot wait for our blackberries to be ripe because I have another recipe we brought from home in Germany. It has been in our family for generations.
Please take a piece of candy for each of the children.
Oh, and we just added some stationary to the store if you think you might be interested in that for some letters, please let me know.
Where are you heading??
Wilker & Sons Shoes and Shoe Repairs
Hello Mr. Wilker, I see that you and your sons are quite busy today. Hello Frank, Lewis and Frederick, how are you all.
I am wondering if I can order a new pair of shoes for my wife Mary for Christmas. Yes, I want it to be a surprise do you think you can help me? No not a pair of everyday shoes, I think the one she has are just fine. What I would like is a new pair that she can wear to go to church on Sunday and for special occasions.
Yes, I think leather please, we need them to last awhile. We are doing quite well with all the canal business, but one can never be too careful with one’s money.
A few weeks from now would be splendid. I will stop back in a few weeks to get them.
Thank you again for being so caring.
Thank you, Mr. Chase, see you soon.
Broker/ Banker
Well Mr. Gorton, it is so nice to see you again. Thank you, Mr. Chase how are you and your family?
Well, we are doing just fine thank you for asking. Mary is doing quite well with her quilting guild and the children are growing like weeds. Edward, Fanny William and Daniel are all in school and they are quite busy.
Well Job I am sure you did not stop by to discuss my family so how can I help you
Charles, as you know our lumber business is getting quite busy. I know you see the brokerage fees and transport fees for the canal. We can barely keep up.
What I really need is more space. I am here to discuss a loan for the purchase of a property a little further east, just on the edge of the Village. With the new space we would be able to double our volume.
That would mean more fees for you, more business for me and more money for both of us.
What do you say?
Well John, what is it this time? You say you need to borrow some money for a new saw for the sawmill?
Yes, I see that business is good you keep selling the wood as soon as you cut it.
How much do you think you will need?
Ok we split that up into 6 payments to make things a bit easier.
Of course I need to charge a small fee for the borrowing.
Do you agree? Excellent.
John Argus Dry Goods Store
Good morning and thank you for coming by my store. It has been a long time since we have seen you. How was Albany? I understand you had some business to take care of, I hope it was successful.
Oh yes, we have increased the amount of good we keep in stock. I think you will see that we are doing a lot more business since the canal is operating seven days a week.
Feel free to look around our dry goods area upstairs. Yes, we have a lot more in the way of spices as well.
We are also trying to stock a lot more kitchen goods and utensils.
If you are looking for larger items I would suggest going across the street to my brother Frank’s store. You can tell him John sent you.
Mueller’s Bakery
Good morning, my name is Mrs. Mueller, welcome to our bakery, how may we help you? We just finished getting our rolls and bread out of the ovens. I am happy to wrap these for you if you like so they stay fresh.
We also have crackers if you prefer which will stay better for your long trip.
We just got some apples from Crowley Farms, so we made some delicious apple pastries.
Don’t they smell good! Would you like some? Perfect.
Our bakery has been very busy. We currently have three bakers and two delivery wagons.
Thank goodness we have good friends in the flour milling business because we are using 32 barrels of flour a week. We can’t wait for the holiday season. Yes, the canal will be shutdown then but we know we will be very busy here in the Village of Black Rock.
Special Thanks
A special thanks to Doreen Deboth, for the beautiful watercolor of the Village of Black Rock. Doreen is a Founding Board Member of the Black Rock Historical Society; her love of our community is reflected in the beautiful painting.
To Mary Ann Kedron another Founding Board Member for her research and content construction that will allow us to understand the real life of our village.
To the Genesee Country Village & Museum and Sean Maciejewski for allowing us to use their spectacular photographs.
To the Elliott Museum, Stuart Florida for allowing us to use the photos of their spectacular collection.
The Canal Society of New York State for use of photos.
Finally, for all the financial support from our grantors and donors who keep the Black Rock Historical Society a vibrant and living entity.